Nun, wie nicht anders zu erwarten habe ich mir auch in meinen neu gestalteten Seiten einen kleinen Raum für persönliche Anmerkungen gestattet. Ein kleiner Raum, den ich zuoberst nutzen möchte um auf die sagen wir Merkwürdigkeit verschiedener Frauen hinzuweisen. Um Gottes willen, nicht alle Frauen verhalten sich manchmal etwas seltsam, nichtsdestotrotz manche. Auf jeden Fall ist eine Frau das Coolste, was es gibt, so schön, so weich, so begehrensweert. Deswegen versuche ich sie zum Umdenken in ihrem Umgang mit uns Männern zu bewegen denn das Leben wäre ohne diese ganzen Spielchen echt schön. Manchmal frage ich mich schon aber irgendwie scheint das halt dazuzugehören. Mal ein wenig schwafeln, mal etwas sagen wir die Wahrheit im Unklaren lassen, mal ein bißchen spielen. Eigentlich: Wenn das alles mal wegfallen würde wäre das Leben zwar leichter aber uninteressant. Das ist doch der Kick bei der ganzen Sache. An sich. Manchmal wünsche ich mir doch insgeheim, das es vielleicht etwas einfacher wird. Deswegen schreibe ich ja diese Scheiße hier und hoffe dabei, das ich nich gegen Beton rede. Ich meine, ihr Frauen seit doch das Schönste und Beste auf der Welt und gerade deswegen schreibe ich diesen Text. Ich hoffe, das ihr mich nicht auslacht deswegen. Ich hoffe, das ihr das auch ernstnehmt. Echt.
little english text
As I promised some time ago here is now the attempt to translate this stuff in english language. I just try to find the correct words and sentences, do not laugh if it may sound let's say strange. I learned english some time ago at school and it is possible that I forgot something. But I hope you will have fun reading in spite of this. Here I build a little pace on my kritikmaschine which is something like a machine of critizism in which I try to give some personal reminds. You know, a life in the wonderful country of germany may be strange, as strange as my english language may sound sometimes. To all women I must say that you are the most beautiful thing on planet earth. But sometimes you behave even as strange as the life in wonderful germany or my english language. Think it over.
no physiotherapy anymore, I hate the female therapist, she didnt accept the doctors prescription and I got angry. she wanted me to come though but I told her she better plays with herself. I think they do not want me to come to their therapy anymore. See, I think they do not want me to come to their practice anymore and I don't know the reasons for that. But wait, as I tink further I know it. My first therapist told me they do not earn enough money by the doctors prescription I brought. Now, this women taught me how to walk again and I achieved to get my life back there. It has been 15 years and now I get the impression they want me to cancel the therapy. And I will do that. As I said it is 15 years now and I'm not willing to do this anymore. I got the feeling they just want to earn much money with me. And I thought me and in particular the second female therapist were friends. Sometimes we went out, drank coffee or met in town and she told me we are friends. But now her words doesn't sem to count anymore so I think she told me and did that just for one reason. She thought I'm a good buisness, she could earn a lot of money making my therapy. And I really thought we were friends, I was happy to meet her sometimes and I really was glad. Now I'm sad as fuck and I will not do this there anymore. To much problems getting the right prescription but most important the feeling to have been cheated all the time.
Now, I want to make the attempt to talk about anything. Anything that might be of of importance. But anything mostly bothering me. As you already know, I'm disabled and even if they say that's no problem for them for me their behaviour is a huge problem. Womans behaviour is often a huge problem. Politicians are often a huge problem. But the biggest problem is that barely noone causes trouble by protesting loud, shouting out his protest andf trying to disturb them. Who are they? I just gave examples of them. But the group of citizens is much bigger as I'm able to say. I don't want to say everyone exept punks but often it seems that way. Mostly fuckin' citizens behave let's say strange. Every politician is a citizen, too. George W. Bush is a citizen, too. Oh my god. If america is god's own country god is a citizen, too. I believe america is not god's owm country so god is not a citizen. Well, I'm talking shit, what about going to Amsterdam buying some?